Ground, Air, Water
MacMillan class have been continuing their topic: Ground, Air, Water!
The nursery children have continued to be very creative working to producing some great spring pictures based on the artwork of Monet - somewhere on the display are two copies of Monet prints but it is hard to find them amongst the work of our nursery artists!
Our work on the topic Ground, Air, Water also continues with a new focus text: The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
In nursery we had some caterpillars of our very own to look after. The children observed their growth keenly, every day, until we finally had four amazing butterflies to watch fly away.
The children have also been becoming familiar with other types of minibeasts (for the moment just the pretend kind!) in preparation for our new topic texts and minibeast hunt after half term.
We also made bread, but, in keeping with our topic, it was caterpillar shaped bread! Our next cooking session will be butterfly cakes!
The nursery children are continuing to live up to our Early Years vision:
Be an Explorer. Be a Trier. Be a Talker. Be a Creator.
Spring Monets
Caterpillar Watching
Pre-learning about Mini Beasts