Votes are in!

Meet your newly elected representatives: St George's School Council.
At St George's, our vision statement is:
Be brave. Be great. Be you.
A large part of helping our pupils live out this vision is to provide them with opportunities to speak up, have their voices heard, and to help engender change.
For the past two weeks, each class from Year 2 upwards have been voting for two children to represent their class and ensure that their voices are heard.
Following on from some moving, well-thought-out speeches, votes were cast.
The new school council were announced in worship today.
We hope they are able to follow in the auspicious footsteps of last year's school council, who were able to:
- Raise money for improvements to our football cage
- Acquire more resources for lunch and playtime
- Organise fund-raising opportunities for multiple charities
- Garner pupil voice through surveys and democratic voting
A big well done to our newly elected School Council. Power to the people!