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Explosive expanded noun phrases

In year 2, we created some explosive expanded noun phrases to help our writing come to life!

Our English subject vision at St George's is:

Be a reader. Be a writer. Be a communicator. 

This week, we have been focussing on the vocabulary we choose to make our writing paint a picture: an autumnal picture!

We have been focusing on Autumn as we are now in October.

We used our five senses to explore what we might see on an autumn day, what we might hear (fireworks, crunchy leaves), what we taste (hot chocolate), what we might touch (conkers and acorns) and what we might smell.

Then, we set off to add this to our own writing as expanded noun phrases.

Autumnal smells: cinnamon

Autumnal views

An Autumnal setting written by us!





Tagged  Year 2  Writing