Dear Diary ...
Year 4's final piece of writing for 2022. A diary entry.
For our final piece of writing in 2022, we were set the task of an informal piece of writing through a diary entry. We discussed different events that had happened in school this term and came to the conclusion that the best event we were all involved with was Children in Need day. To begin with, we planned our diary entries thinking about each aspect of the day; what happened and how we felt. We really enjoyed this piece of writing because we could write from our own personal experience in an informal way, fitting with our English values of:
Be a reader. Be a writer. Be a communicator.
Looking back at the event, many children remembered the competition and how they were so impressed, and of course the cake sale, which created some fantastic emotive language. With such enthusiasm for the diary entry, we were so focused on our presentation and creating our best pieces for the term.
Once we finished our first drafts, we used our green pens to edit. We paired up with another writer and read our work to our partner. Our partner helped with some alternative vocabulary as well as editing grammar, punctuation and spellings. Have a look at some of our writing!
We look forward to our first piece of writing after the Christmas holidays, looking at stories from another culture!