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Year 4 Visits the British Museum

Tull has visited the British Museum to explore the Anglo-Saxons!

This half-term, Tull class have been researching the history of the Anglo-Saxons. So far, we have looked into the arrival and settlement of the Anglo-Saxons. We have looked at why they were invited to repel the Scots and the Picts. We have looked at the types of housing and the materials they used to build their settlements. 

We visited the British Museum to further this learning, where we had a tablet-tour of the Anglo-Saxon experience. On the tour, we had to find the object in the museum to tell us more and complete the quest. We were also able to explore the rest of the museum, including the Egyptian displays which we will explore later in the year. Within this we did an Egyptian trail activity, finding specific artefacts within the room. 

We did this visit through our History Vision: 

Be inspired. Be academic. Be reasoned. 


Tagged  Year 4  History  Trips