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Multi-Skills FUN!

On Monday 15th July, Year 5 Little Leaders lead a fun Multi-Skills fun morning for Early Years and KS1. 

To end another fantastic year of sport, our Year 5 Little Leaders held a fun morning for our youngest children. Throughout the year, the Little Leaders have been training and developing their leadership skills with the Sports Lead, Miss Michell. To complete their training, they worked in small groups to run a fun activites to EYFS and KS1. This meets our vision statement of:

Be brave. Be great. Be you.

We are fun. We are together.

The leaders worked in small groups and each ran their own activity. The children were split into 4 groups and had a go at each activity. All the children showed great self-belief and determination in each game. This is key to our P.E values, which the Little Leader were excellent at modelling.

Be passionate. 

Be respectful. 

Be determined.

Game 1 - Monsters

The leaders surrounded themselves with yellow cones, which were golden coins. They also had a 'sword' (a swimming noodle), which they used to tag the children with. If the child got tagged on their foot with the noodle, they would have to put the gold coin back. The winning team was the team with most cones in their hoops. 

Game 2 - Football Bowling 

Children kicked their football at the cones, which were set up like bowling pins. 

Game 3 - Treasure Hunt 

A load of tall, triangle cones were set out and under some of the cones was 'treasure', Children would run, one at a time, pick up a cone. If there was something under the cone, then they would add that to their hoop. 

Game 4 - Cone Meyhem 

Children would stand behind a thrown down line and throw a bean bag into the hoop. If the bean bag went into the hoop, they would run to the middle and get a cone for their team. 

Well done to all the participants and the Little Leaders. What a great morning. We look forward to our final sports event of the year, which will be School Games Day.