Who Cares for Us?
This week in RE, Year 2 began our exciting topic exploring the question: Why Did Jesus Teach The Lord’s Prayer As The Way To Pray?
Thinking about our bog question, we started our lesson by thinking about how we would talk to a friend. We decided that we would be kind, respectful and helpful to our friends. We then reflected how we might speak to God when we pray and discussed how we would talk to God in the same way, showing respect and kindness to God when asking for help, or thanking him for everything he has given us. Then, using our ability to connect, we decided that everyone, no matter their religion or faith, would speak to God, or Gods in the same way: with respect.
Be Curious.
Be Informed.
Be reflective.
Our focus then turned to another question: 'Who cares for us?' We were curious about who might look after us, and we decided that not only do our families and friends care for us, but God also cares for us by hearing our prayers and creating the world we live in.
We created beautiful stained glass windows to reflect on all the people who care and look after us in our lives.
Next, we read the Lord's Prayer and learnt that this is the most important prayer to Christians. We were very excited, because we recognised it from our Worships with Father Richard! We recorded ourselves saying the Lord's Prayer below. Then, because we were so inspired, we created our own prayers for a class prayer book, which will shortly be on our RE table for us to read any time!