Marvellous Minibeasts
Nursery love investigating Minibeasts!
Nursery children continue to live out our early years' vision of:
Be an Explorer. Be a Trier. Be a Talker. Be a Creator.
The nursery children have continued their work on minibeasts with lots of minibeasts hunts in our lovely outside area.
We were particularly keen to find ladybirds as our current focus text is The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle.
We also have a new bughouse and have been monitoring it carefully to find out who has moved in - so far we have no new tenants.
All the children's hard work watering our plants has paid off and the children have been delighted to see how much progress has been made in our fruit and vegetable beds. The strawberries are coming on a treat and many of the radishes are ready for eating - I think the strawberries will prove far more popular!
Indoors we have been busy being creative and nursery is beginning to look like a bughouse too!
So far it is decorated with butterflies and ladybirds - spiders next!