Mini Modrians!
Year 1 have been creating eye-catching designs using primary colours!
Our vision for Art is:
Be creative
Be proficient
Be reflective
First, the class was inspired by our focus artist, Piet Modrian, a French painter who loved to use bold, bright colours and straight lines or shapes to create abstract art. He used mostly primary colours: read, yellow and blue. We also learned about the different parts of the paint brush and their technical names: handle, ferrule, brush.
Year 1 practised using the correct paintbrush hold and the ‘dip, dip dab’ method to apply paint to paper. The children improved their brush control by making smooth shapes in different sizes and primary colours. Later, the class had a chance to make their own picture inspired by Piet Modrian’s work by carefully painting on a grid of squares, rectangles and straight lines. The children were proud of what they achieved and how their finished pieces looked!
Learning Brush control
Painting like Piet Modrian!