Precious Promises for Baptism

Year 1 have been learning about the promises Christian parents and godparents make when they baptise their baby or child.
Our curriculum vision statement for Religious Education is:
Be curious.
Be informed.
Be reflective.
As part of our RE topic, we have been learning about what it means to belong and how belonging to a group - such as a church, school, family or club - makes us feel. We considered that we have to commit to going along, respecting the other people there, following rules and sharing in activities. This week we considered how a Christian joins a church, specifically through infant baptism, or christening.
Some children in our class shared about their own experiences of baptism and that of friends or family. We learned lots of important vocabulary, such as vicar, candle, cross, font, godparents and promise. The class re-enacted a baptism by pouring water over a baby doll, signing them with a cross and sharing promises, before receiving a special candle and Bible. In pairs, children recalled the roles of the people involved and designed a special font for a baptism.
Next week, we will be learning about Christian weddings and their symbolism!