Ready 'bready' cook!
Year 5 have been making garlic flatbread for D.T.
To complete our D.T topic, we continued looking at breads from around the world. Our final session was focused on flat bread. This linked well to our history, as flat bread came from Ancient Egypt.
Be innovative.
Be hands-on.
Be diagnostic.
To begin the lesson, we discussed different types of breads from around the world and reminded ourselves of how bread is a sample diet all over the globe. We then made links with our year 4 learning, where we used yeast as a rising agent. As this was flat bread, we would not have to use yeast, but just oil to add flavour.
We began by making the dough by mixing flour, oil and water. Children had to make sure that they did not add too much water, otherwise the dough would become too sticky.
We then used our hands to knead the dough, which adds elasticity to the consistency of the dough by developing the gluten in the flour.
Once we had our dough, we slit it evenly into 4 pieces and then used a rolling pin to flatten the dough out ready to heat.
For the garlic butter, children grated butter and mixed in crushed garlic. We spoke about how over the years, it has become evident that butter can be healthy if eaten in small amounts.
We then cooked the flatbreads on a hot grill and described how the bread changed colour and consistency. Children developed their skills in the kitchen by flipping the breads to ensure that they were cooked evenly on both sides.
While the breads were hot, we added the garlic butter on so, it would melt.
Of course, we then had to try our delicious breads!
We had great fun learning about breads around the world and how to improve our own nutrition in Year 5. We will look to incorporate what we have learnt into our daily meals.