The Imperial War Museum!

Best Class visited the Imperial War Museum this week to close off their history topic!
This week, in Best Class, we travelled across London to the Imperial War Museum.
We have been learning about the 'Battle for Britain' in our history topic. This was a great end to the topic as there was a whole section in the museum that focussed on the chronology from the beginning to the end of the war. We were able to see a range of things we had learnt from the key historical figures to the social aspects of WW2.
We also were able to look at a range of other conflicts, namely a whole section on WW1. We discovered a range of facts from the last person to be executed to the ways in which to stay safe at home during an air raid.
We also experienced what it was like in the trenches with the sound of bombs and bullets flying around. It made us all thankful to those that fought and for the freedoms we enjoy today thanks to them.
We did this through our historical vision:
Be inspired. Be academic. Be reasoned.