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Year 4 Cricket Festival

Last week, Year 4 had the opportunity to take part in a fantastic cricket festival held in our local Mayow Park.

On Friday 7th June, all of Year 4 walked to Mayow Park to take part in a cricket festival organised by the Platform Cricket Company. Platform Cricket has worked with many schools in the area, including St Georges, to enhance pupils' skill level and performance in cricket during their PE lessons. All the professional coaches came together to organise this wonderful all-day event at the park, bringing all schools together, to have fun and play some cricket!

Children were split into 3 groups and were able to play against different teams from different schools in small games of cricket. Every pupil had a go at batting, bowling and fielding to develop skills across all areas of the sport.

Be passionate. Be respectful. Be determined.

After children took part in many rounds and an intense morning, we all came together to have lunch and then moved on to knock-out stages. Team A of St Georges were able to make it through to the top 16 groups out of over 25 groups which was a great achievement!

We also had 3 star players across the St Georges groups: Genesis, Mahan and Ruby.