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Girls World Cup Football

Year 6 girls World Cup football. 

To conclude another fantastic year of Lewisham School Games, 10 girls from year 6 represented St George's in a fantastic girl's football competition. In line with the European Championships, School Games were hosting a fun and competitive football competition, which was also designed to promote girl's football. The competition took place at AFC Lewisham on Thursday 13th June 2024. 

All ten children, who represented St George's, showed great determination and belief throughout the whole competition. This is inline with out P.E values:

Be passionate. 

Be respectful. 

Be determined.

Have a look at some of the pictures from the day. 

We look forward to our intra-competitions; KS2 House Football on Thursday 20th June and our Whole School Games on Friday 19th July. 


Tagged  Year 6  School Games  P.E  Trips