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Battle of the MAT

On Friday 12th July, St George's took part in the annual MAT Games. 

After a week of rain, the sun came out for the annual SDBE MAT School Games on Friday 12th July 2024. Seven schools from across the MAT met at Dulwich College Sports club to compete in a variety of activites. Each school brought 12 children, consisting of an equal 6 boys and 6 girls. The day started off with all the athletes taking part in a joint warm-up. They were then split into four groups and took part in a variety of games with the focus of teamwork and a celebration of all sports. This meets our P.E values of:

Be passionate. 

Be respectful. 

Be determined.

The carousel

There were for activities to the carousel, testing a variety of skills. 

Shuttle relay - The children worked in their groups and kept running in a relay fashion for 2 minutes. They kept count of how many runs they did. The winning team was the one who got the most. St George's came second in this activity.

Football Bowling - In their teams, children kicked a football at cones set up like bowling pins. Children kicked the ball to the cones and counted the total number as a team. St George's won this activity in their group. 

Treasure Hunt - With a load of equipment in the middle, children had to run and collect one piece of equipment and bring it back. St George's came second in this activity. 

Obstacle relay - Children had to complete a relay of going in hoops and over hurdles. St Georges came 3rd in this event. 

After the carousel, all teams took part in a tug of war round-robin. This is always a crowd favourite, which brings great cheers and determination from the athletes. 

Athletics Event

We then entered into the competition, which was an athletics event. The athletes were split into boys and girls. Each child started with one jump and one throw. The 2 jumps were the long jump and the standing triple jump. The 2 throws were the vortex and the rounders ball. 

After the field activities, we then went into the track events. The athletes took part in 1 event and the relay. The 4 distances were; 80m, 150m, 600m and the relay. 

At the end of all the events, we then put all the totals together. Well done to Daniel and Amelia for winning a Sporting Spirit award.

Congratulations to all children, who performed to such a high level. The quality from all the pupils on the day was extraordinary. St George's finished 6th at the end of the competition. 

We look forward to our School Games Day on Friday 19th July.