Year 5 visits the British Museum
Shackleton class visited the British Museum to explore the Ancient Greeks!
This half-term, Shackleton class has been researching the history of the Ancient Greeks. So far, we have looked into the chronology through significant periods of time for the Ancient Greeks and their culture and beliefs. We have also looked at comparisons between the city-states of Athens and Sparta as well as the importance of theatres, myths and fables.
We visited the British Museum to further this learning, where we did a self-guided tour of the Ancient Greek sections of the museum. Using our activity sheets, we had to find objects correlating with the section of the museum we were in to tell us more about it and complete the sheet with our groups.
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed this trip and will sure have a lot to say in our next History lesson!
We did this visit through our History Vision Statement:
Be inspired. Be academic. Be reasoned.