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A printmaking party

In Year 5, our current Art topic is printmaking. The children created their own designs!

This term, Year 5 have been getting their hands dirty with printmaking in art! Our significant artist, Andy Warhol, was an American artist famous for his bright prints and was part of the Pop Art movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Our other significant artist was John Brunsdon. He lived and worked in Suffolk and used printmaking to depict landscapes.

Pupils have really enjoyed the techniques we have been looking at in Art. In particular, the techniques of reduction and overlay. Reduction printing is a method of block printing where part of the block is removed (by adding more to your picture) and then printed and repeated. Reduction was the technique focused on in this lesson. 

Pupils loved planning their designs first on paper then printing it onto their art book with black block art paint. They used a roller to apply a thin coat onto their block and applied pressure to the spot they printed it on. They were amazed to see their designs come to life!

Our curriculum vision statement for Art is:

Be creative. Be proficient. Be reflective.

Shackleton Class have certainly lived out being creative; they have reflected on their learning; and they've become more proficient along the way!

Check out the pictures below to see how we got on with our printing. 

Tagged  Year 5  Art  We are fun.  Be great.