Solid Findings, Liquid Results!
Butter, chocolate or ice: which melts quickest?!
In Year 4, we have been looking at the melting points of different solids.
Our topic for this half-term is 'States of Matter'. To begin the topic, we looked at matter and learnt that everything is made up of matter. We then broke this down into different states - solids, liquids and gases. One we learnt about the 3 states, we had a lot of fun acting as the particles and how they change from state to state.
After learning how the particles vary from state to state, we then conducted our first investigation: melting.
This is always a very exciting investigation. To begin, we looked at the word 'melting' and what it means. We learnt what happens to particles when they are heated and how the energy from the heat causes the particles to separate, resulting in the solid becoming a liquid. We discussed and drew a variety of examples of this, including ice melting and becoming water.
It was then time for our investigation, looking at when different solids melt and how fast they melt in different temperatures. Investigations are key to our science curriculum vision:
Be academic.
Be curious.
Be practical.
We had three bowls and in each bowl was water of a different temperature; 5°C, 15°C and 70°C. We then placed a solid (either ice, chocolate or butter) in 3 separate bags, then placed one bag in each of the different waters. We then put the timer on to see how fast the solids would melt and then checked the temperature. Once we had done this for the chocolate, we then did this for the ice and butter.
Have a look at our results.
We look forward to learning about evaporation and how a liquid changes state into a gas.