Dear St. George's families,
Firstly, let us wish you a very happy new year. It has been wonderful seeing so many pupils back to school with a smile on their faces and ready to learn.
It has been a great start to 2022. Walking the school this week, it has been clear to see how valued reading is at St. George's. There have been conversations in corridors about whether or not Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is in fact a comedy. Squeals of excitement were heard when Year 4 discovered their whole class reading text for this half term is the non-fiction 'Young, Gifted and Black'. And that is just the start! Have a look below to see what each class are reading this half term. We are lucky to have such an ambitious and diverse literature spine at St. George's.
As ever, we wish you the very best of weekends, full of rest and fun, ready for learning on Monday.
Mr Janes
Head teacher
St. George's CE Primary