Dear St. George's families,
It has been great to see that our calendar of sporting competition has begun. This week, our Year 3 and 4 girls' football teams participated in the Lewisham Games competition. We have more sports competitions coming up too. Keep an eye on future newsletters to see how we get on!
As well as our sporting opportunities, our pupils have also had special visitors this week. Our Year 4, 5 and 6 classes have learned all about Air Quality and the dangers of car emissions on the environment. Check out the news item below to see how they responded.
The Christmas period is now upon us. You will receive information about the upcoming Christmas parties, when pupils can don their Christmas jumpers, and how to book your place at the Nativities via SchoolPing very soon. Keep a look out so that you do not miss out. We want every child to have a good Christmas experience at St George's. As we say in our culture statement: We are fun. We are together.
As ever, we wish you the very best of weekends, full of rest and fun, ready for learning on Monday.
Mr Janes
Head teacher
St. George's CE Primary