Dear St. George's families,
Our culture statement says: We are together.
This week, we have come together as a community in more ways than usual. Firstly, Father Richard was delighted to welcome friends and family to his first Open Worship. Thank you to those who attended.
Secondly, on Thursday evening, it was fantastic seeing so many families attend our Open Classroom event. It was a great opportunity to see how much progress your child has already made and to find out how you can support them at home. Together, we can ensure all of our pupils have the opportunity to live out our call to action in our vision statement of: Be great.
Thirdly, pupils from Year One upwards came together in the school hall on Friday to mark Remembrance Day, which is actually this weekend. Pupils were so respectful during the two minutes' silence. We were really proud of the whole school community. A big thank you to Miss Carney and the pupil Faith Team for their preparations and hard work.
Next week, we have two opportunities for pupils to dress up to support a good cause. On Monday, it is Odd Socks Day. On this day, pupils are invited to come in wearing odd socks. We do this every year to kick off national Anti-Bullying week. The odd socks represent the greatness of being different and celebrating uniqueness.
On Friday, we are inviting pupils to attend school dressed in something dotty and give a pound to help raise money for Children in Need. We look forward to a day of spots and dots and smiles.
Finally, another thank you to families for supporting our new home learning policies. We are seeing a fall in the numbers of pupils attending homework club because pupils are completing their learning at home. Please keep this up as it is often the difference between pupils achieving age-related expectations at the end of the year or falling behind in their learning.
As ever, we wish you the very best of weekends, full of rest and fun, ready for learning on Monday.
Mr Janes
Head teacher
St. George's CE Primary