Dear St. George's families,
Firstly, St George's wishes you all a very happy New Year. The year has begun well at school, with pupils happily accessing our new play spaces. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have especially enjoyed their new climbing challenges. Check out the news stories below to see what our new play spaces look like.
On Thursday next week, we will have a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection. SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it.
A SIAMS inspection provides an opportunity to highlight the impact that the school’s distinctive Christian vision and character have on the flourishing of the school community. The process also enables the identification of next steps that are helpful in the school’s ongoing development
As part of their evidence-gathering, they will speak with parents, staff, governors, representatives of the church and, of course, pupils.
Please feel free to speak with the Inspector and share your child’s experience of attending our caring Christian School.
You will all receive a letter from the inspector confirming his visit via SchoolPing.
Finally, you will be receiving information about our upcoming 1:1 parents' evening slots via SchoolPing. You will need to book a ten-minute slot, during which you will receive your child's latest written report with their latest assessment results. You will also have the opportunity to find out how they are doing in class and look through their exercise books. It is really important you attend so that we can work together to ensure your child can fulfil their potential.
As ever, we wish you the very best of weekends, full of rest and fun, ready for learning on Monday.
Mr Janes
Head teacher
St. George's CE Primary